All the Disadvantages of Working from Home

Author: Zemlar Offices |

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Remember in March of 2020, when offices and schools decided to go on a 2-week break? Then those 2 weeks turned into 2 months, which have turned into almost 2 years? The COVID-19 pandemic brought a shift to the perspectives of many, as offices began to realize they could save on exorbitant amounts of rent payments, while also offering employees the option to work from home.

The possibility excited many. What could be better than rolling right out of bed to your first meeting, wearing a blazer with your pajama pants, and avoiding your daily commute? It truly suited a large percentage of the population, and some may argue that they prefer working from home on a permanent basis. However, statistics have now come to show that this may not be the most practical or feasible option, in terms of productivity, routine, and even mental health. For those who own small businesses and coworking spaces, each employee’s presence is an asset, presenting another reason why the much-raved work from home option may not always be the best idea. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why WFH does not work as well as we’d like to believe.

1. Lack of productivity: unmonitored performance, breaks, and no willpower

The number 1 disadvantage of working from home is actually a lack of productivity. Although we may feel that working from home allows us a greater work-life balance and thus we end up being more productive, this is not necessarily accurate. At home, we work alone, with no accountability, indicating unmonitored performance. This lack of oversight leads to more frequent breaks and distractions, and ultimately a lack of motivation if one is not surrounded by others who are working too. One study showed that the more hours one works from home, the less productive they become. Training new hires also becomes increasingly difficult, due to the lack of monitoring. Additionally, the lack of community felt by new hires may also lead to decreased productivity.

2. Lack of community & teamwork = lack of communication

Human beings are social creatures, and although some people prefer to work alone in peace, this is not a long-term solution. We require collaboration and teamwork to operate effectively – in fact, research actually shows that having a close friend at work significantly improves the amount of effort an individual puts into their job. A lack of communication could also prove disadvantageous from a work perspective. Communication helps individuals understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and results in a more effective environment when tasks are allocated accordingly.

3. No (or little) routine

Many employees may prefer the office structure and routine that is almost impossible to mirror at home, accompanied by supervisor oversight and being motivated by their colleagues. Being in a comfortable home environment makes it a lot easier to turn the TV on, wake up late, skip lunch, or just take longer to do your work.

4. Background noise & distractions

Not everyone can have a separate office space, free of background noise and distractions. Living at home for many people means having to be around children or other adults while working, perhaps having the TV on, or having to share a space with a pet. It could also cause issues for people who do not live in quiet areas, such as the city as opposed to the suburbs. The background noise and distractions will impact individuals’ work as they will not be able to focus or work in the same manner.

5. Burnout – same place, same thing

For many people, going to work every day offered a change of scenery and a distinction between the home and work life. Working at home can blur this boundary, leading to employees finding it difficult to switch off when work hours are done, resulting in longer hours and inevitable burnout. Moreover, virtual work has meant increased exposure to electronics and completely working through screens, which has also caused exhaustion for many. As the pandemic stretches on, in fact, 69% of people have cited burnout symptoms.

6. Feelings of isolation & less face time

For individuals who live alone, remote work can mean increased feelings of isolation and loneliness. Although there are many individuals who prefer to work alone, the sense of community felt when working in the same workplace with a common goal remains unparalleled and cannot be easily achieved through virtual work.

7. Disproportionate work-life balance

Employees have found that work has begun to bleed into their home life over the months. From answering a call after work hours, just because you can, to responding to emails before you go to bed, the line between work and home is becoming increasingly blurry for many. It works in the opposite direction as well. For many individuals, merging the home and work environment could mean avoiding work responsibilities or not being motivated enough due to the obvious distractors at home. The scale tips either way.

8. Lack of office equipment

Home offices require more than just a simple desk and chair. You need high speed internet, a laptop/desktop, perhaps printers and fax machines… There’s also a need for a chair that can house you for eight hours a day without negatively impacting your backbone. All this means you must have space in your home environment as well, free of distractions and a lot of noise. For many people, this is not as easily attainable. In fact, almost 33% of people who work from home cite a lack of sufficient office equipment. Also, working from home does not guarantee encryption and security when dealing with confidential information and work materials

This is where ZEMLAR OFFICES comes in – by offering you workplace solutions that range from a one-day office to meeting rooms to private executive offices, we ensure that you avoid the disadvantages of working from home, while not suffering a blow to the bank. Visit our gallery to view some of our spaces, check out our wide range of locations, and of course, read our clients’ reviews for their honest opinion!

Zemlar Offices